From the WrEN project: papers, reports and general articles
Peer reviewed papers and reports
We add papers and reports to this site as they become available - click on the title to link to the journal website (some are also open access). Full copies of all papers/reports are available through the University of Stirling's repository, or just contact us for a pdf.
Waddell E, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Park KJ, Carey P, Guy M, Macgregor N & Watts K (2024). Larger and structurally complex woodland creation sites provide greater benefits for woodland plants. Ecological Solutions & Evidence. Open Access.
Fuentes-Montemayor E, Watts K, Sansum P, Scott W & Park KJ (2022). Moth community responses to woodland creation: the influence of woodland age, patch characteristics and landscape attributes. Diversity & Distributions DOI: 10.1111/ddi.13599. Open Access.
Fuentes-Montemayor E, Park KJ, Cordts K & Watts K (2021). The long-term development of temperate woodland creation sites: from tree saplings to mature woodlands. Forestry DOI:10.1093/forestry/cpab027. Open Access.
Whytock RC, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Watts K, Macgregor N, Call E, Mann J & Park KJ (2020). Regional land-use and local management create scale-dependent ‘landscapes of fear’ for a common woodland bird. Landscape Ecology 35, 607-620. Open Access
Watts, K, Whytock RC, Park KJ, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Duffield S, McGregor NA & McGowan P. (2020). Ecological time-lags and the journey towards conservation success. Nature Ecology & Evolution 4, 304-311.
Błonska E, Lasota J, Vasconcelos da Silva GR, Vanguelova E, Ashwood F, Tibbett M, Watts K, Lukac M (2020). Soil organic matter stabilization and carbon-cycling enzyme activity are affected by land management. Annals of Forest Research. DOI: 10.15287/afr.2019.1837
Fuentes-Montemayor E, Ferryman M, Watts K, Macgregor NA, Hambly N, Brennan S, Coxon R, Langridge H & Park KJ (2019). Small mammal responses to long-term large-scale woodland creation: the influence of local and landscape-level attributes. Ecological Applications 30, e02028. Open Access.
Ashwood F, Watts K, Park KJ, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Benham S & Vanguelova EI (2019). Woodland restoration on agricultural land: long-term impacts on soil quality. Restoration Ecology 27, 1381-1392.
Whytock RC, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Watts K, Macgregor N, Williams L & Park KJ (2018). Context-dependent colonisation of terrestrial habitat 'islands' by a long-distance migrant bird. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B: Biological Sciences 285, 20181490. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2018.1490.
Fuller L, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Watts K, Macgregor N, Bitenc K & Park KJ (2018). Local-scale attributes determine the suitability of woodland creation sites for Diptera. Journal of Applied Ecology 55, 1173-1184. Open Access.
Whytock RC, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Watts K, Barbosa De Andrade P, Whytock R, French P, Macgregor N &, Park KJ (2018). Bird community responses to habitat creation in a long-term, large-scale natural experiment. Conservation Biology 32, 345-354. Open Access.
Fuentes-Montemayor E, Watts K, Macgregor NA, Lopez-Gallego Z & Park KJ (2017). Species mobility and landscape context determine the importance of local and landscape-level attributes. Ecological Applications 5, 1541–1554.
Humphrey JW, Watts K, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Macgregor NA, Peace AJ & Park KJ (2015). What can studies of woodland fragmentation and creation tell us about ecological networks? A literature review and synthesis. Landscape Ecology 30:21–50.
Watts K, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Macgregor NA, Peredo-Alvarez V, Ferryman M, Brown N, Bellamy C & Park KJ (2016). Using historic woodland creation to construct a long-term, large-scale natural experiment: the WrEN project. Ecology & Evolution 6: 3012-3025. Open Access.
Humphrey JW, Watts K, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Macgregor NA & Park KJ (2013). The evidence base for ecological networks: lessons from studies of woodland fragmentation and creation. Report from the WrEN Project, Forest Research, Farnham, Surrey.
General articles, press releases and external blogs
2022. Caught on camera (Fuentes-Montemayor E, Guy M, Park KJ & Watts K). Digital deer magazine. Deer Society publication. Summer 2022, pages 22-24.
2020. Understanding the biodiversity benefits of woodland creation (Park KJ, Fuentes-Montemayor E, Whytock R & Watts K). Wood wise, Tree and woodland conservation. Woodland Trust publication, Spring 2020.
2018. Prioritising local habitat quality for woodland hoverflies (Park KJ). Applied Ecologists Blog at Journal of Applied Ecology.
2018. Developing a cheap and effective bioacoustic tool for ecology and conservation (Whytock R). Methods blog at Methods in Ecology & Evolution.
2017. Improving habitats for bats. Press release, University of Stirling.
2016. Major new project maps out woodland biodiversity. Press release, University of Stirling.
2015. Many bats hate long commutes - here's how to help them (Fuentes-Montemayor E). The Conversation.
2014. Studying past landscape change to inform future conservation. Macgregor N, Watts, K, Park KJ, Fuentes-Montemayor E & Duffield S. ECOS 35/314: 53 - 59.